Friday, February 27, 2009

Hunt for the Pacific Mole Crab

Today I went to Goleta beach and I thought, "Hey! I can look for Pacific mole crabs!" So I made a 2' by 2' grid to dig in and brought some other stuff and off we went. I decided that I would dig in four spots which I call wet, medium dry, dry, and yucky (which is because I was in the slough -slough of poo as I call it). Here is what I found: Wet: 1 shell thing. Medium dry: 1 worm eaten rock, another rock, 1 piece of seaweed, 1 piece of kelp, and 1 half of a seashell. Dry: nothing! Yucky: nothing! Obviously. It was slough poo! So I did not find any Pacific Mole Crabs. Later on I learned That the Pacific Mole crabs are not in Goleta at this time of year they are down south swept up by the Longshore current. Some fishermen had caught 3 surf perch and were going for more. As one said, "I'll catch 10 more in the next hour." There were lots of birds. There also were 1 or 2 dead brown pelicans, a dead sea lion, and some trash. Other than that it was nice. Here Is a slide show of the beach.

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